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Summerhill Park

But it's just playdough!

At SPK, we used play-based learning to “immerse your child in a broad range of skills development, experiences and learning that not only help to equip them to school life - but for lifelong learning”, (Kathy Walker, Ready, Steady, Go pg 37)

Play-based learning is not the sort of play that your child does at home or with friends. It can looks similar – but is has been planned and directed by our experiences and qualified educators to promote a range of learning and skill acquisition.

Depending on the age, abilities and interests of your child is it:

arly literacy and numeracy (eg. Counting out, sharing portions among friends, naming elements like colours or texture)
Language/communication skills (eg. Negotiating who gets to use the colour stones or scissors)
Thinking skills (eg. Should I do playdough first or painting, who else it at the table, what sort of tools do I need)
Experimenting with fine motor skills, muscle control and hand-eye coordination
Socialisation and working alongside others (eg. Taking turns, responding to questions)
Appropriate risk-taking (eg. What happens if I roll this our really really long?)
Self-initiation (eg. What shall I make, asking for extra equipment to finish a task)
Responding to routines and expectations (eg. Replicating designs, helping to pack up)
Creativity (eg. Is it a cupcake/robot, what will this playdough cat do next)

Through one-on-one and group discussion, we can extend these learning experience further – and hone in on areas where you child might benefit from further assistance. What would happen if you built another level? I can see a lot of colours here – what sort of colours can you see? Taking that crayon I was using has made me feel sad – can you fee how I am feeling sad (pull sad face)? How else could we ask for the scissors?

It’s never just playdough

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